Let's Talk Life - Peace of Mind

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In the current time when most of the world is under lockdown and people are forced to stay at home and maintain their sanity, peace of mind is a pressing need at the moment. With a constant silence outside our homes, broken only by the chirping of birds or a lone car passing through the gates, we sit with ourselves a little more than we ever have. It is the time, not only to support the nation by staying home but also to find ourselves; to bond with our family; to grow and to find the peace of mind we all seek.

Hello friends. Welcome to the first edition of ‘Let’s Talk Life’. This is going to be a section of my blog which will feature interviews about different aspects of life with people, just like you and me.  I have always believed that the views and perception of common people may also include deep meanings about life which just need to be explored and highlighted. There is a writer, philosopher and an artist within all of us and maybe if we could try a little to express more freely, we will be able to find it. Let’s Talk Life is going to be all about that.

This first edition is going to be on the topic, Peace of Mind and to talk about this topic, I have with me, my dear friend Ankita Maurya. She is currently a post graduate student with the amazing talent of reading novels and discussing about them in complete detail. She practically loves to talk about various random topics and that’s why I decided to start this section with her.  So, let’s begin.

Let's talk life - peace of mind interview template

Peace of mind sounds like a very simple concept and we are all able to relate to it very easily. It is an integral part of our lives, whether we talk about it expressly or not.

With that, my first question is that what are the first three words that come to your mind when you hear 'peace of mind'?

Reading, spirituality, love, ocean. Consider four please Haha.

Yes yes, absolutely. Peace of mind is probably something that cannot be limited to just three words so more the merrier.
So, if we consider the current time. You know, the recent world and the 21st century, then why do you think there is a pressing need to achieve peace of mind in these current times?

Definitely, it is more than important to achieve peace of mind because it is becoming harder and harder to get it nowadays.
So much of hustle makes us lose our real identity or maybe we forget where we actually belong to. As for me, reading, spending time with loved ones, spending time with myself, are a few things which should be my priorities but unfortunately they are the last things I get to do. So, basically to live happily despite of so many distractions out there and so much of pressure of acquiring material things, the only way out is to achieve that peace of mind which in return helps us to find our inner self. It makes us more confident and happy.

That is very well said and it very clearly highlights why peace of mind is such an essential necessity to have these days. Especially considering the present lockdown situation as well, I think we need it desperately.
You're a student presently. You have already graduated so according to you, why is peace of mind important, as a student specifically?

Just like I said earlier, in the same light, for a student it is important to the extent where it doesn't affect his/her performance.
Definitely, it is important so that students can bear the pressure of studies, competition and all positively.  But it should be limited. Like it shouldn't lead to the student being overly content with whatever is happening. For example, maybe the bad grades or anything that might hamper the whole purpose of studying.
Basically, a balance is needed for students so that they can live in reality while maintaining the calmness they need among all the stress of student life.

That is a good point. Balance is indeed the key in student life.
We know that life is very fast paced these days and just like you said, there is a lot of hustle going on. Has this fast pace forced us to lose ourselves or do we actually have a choice?

It has forced us to lose ourselves to a greater extent but then there are also people who DO take care of themselves even after being so much busier than us. So, I guess we all got a choice. It's totally upto us how we step up to this challenge.

I think that's right. After all we all have 24 hours and it is upto us how we utilize them properly to fulfill our responsibilities while holding on to our true selves as well. After all, we have to take out time when we can meet ourselves and introspect. That’s how we grow and bloom.
Do you think peace of mind is just a mental state or there is more to it than just being that?

Mental state leads to physical differences which further leads to productivity.

Being a commerce and management student you have appropriately linked peace of mind with productivity, just like a good manager should to achieve maximum efficiency from the workforce.
Basically, you mean to say that it initiates a chain that allows us to give our best?

Yes, exactly. Peace of mind is the key that puts that chain into motion.

I agree with you on that. I also believe that peace of mind is not just a mental state. It can be a place, person, thing or an activity, etc. What is your view regarding this?

Of course. Like I mentioned earlier, for me it is reading, ocean, love and spirituality. So, it can absolutely be a combination of person, place and activity.

Sea, ocean, sunset shades. Spiritual feel
(Image source: Pixabay)

Okay. Now a casual question. If peace of mind was to be a color for you then which color would it be and why?

Ummm, it'd be a mixture. Like sunset or sunrise orange or yellow, whatever we call it. It’s because I associate peace of mind with a beautiful scenery of ocean and sunsets and with the sky.

We can call them the sunset/sunrise shades, I guess. Even imagining that feels so nice so that's totally understandable.
Now, the last question. How would you sum up this topic and interview in one sentence?

The topic is so relevant but surprisingly untouched in today's time. So I am glad that you picked up this topic and the interview went with the flow naturally so answering the questions didn’t feel burdensome.  It felt like having a real conversation.

Thank you very much for giving your valuable time. It was a pleasure having you for this interview in the first edition of Let’s Talk Life. I had a lot of fun and it felt really nice to discuss this topic with you. I’m sure that this will serve as food for thought for the readers and they will certainly give a thought to this concept of peace of mind.

That’s all for this first edition of the interview section Let’s Talk Life. Happy reading everyone. Stay home. Stay Safe. Also, here is the link to a video produced by my startup Art Infinitii in collaboration with the band Journey Jerks which is about spreading the message of positivity and hope in this world. Check out the song titled, ‘Once Againhere.


Some resources for all the information regarding COVID-19:

WHO on Coronavirus : Click here
UNICEF on Coronavirus : Click here

 Do not believe in rumors and only trust genuine sources of information. Stay safe. 


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