Normal is equal to special? Let's Discuss

What's so 'special' about being special?

Sounds weird right? Let's see!

We live in a world of fame where glamour speaks for itself, in terms of style, talent, fan base, million follower instagram accounts and the constant snap of camera shots. We look up to celebrities and famous personalities and even the people around us who are well known. We admire their charisma and it can’t be denied that many of us wish to get that kind of attention, to just be special enough to stand out. We have started associating fame with happiness and that is a really messed up concept. Happiness does not follow fame but the vice versa may be true. Not everyone desires to gather fame but living a life of peace and memorable moments is something we all seek.

 In our pursuit to look good to others, we have forgotten that it is not only the way we appear to others that matters but also the way we are inside, in our hearts. Our self developed and inherent qualities make us who we are.

What we don’t realize is that ‘being special’ is very over-rated these days. Why can’t being normal make you stand out? Normal is simple and simplicity these days is quite rare, but in its rarity lays its beauty. People are too busy being complicated that they have forgotten how simply wonderful it can be to be just normal. Being normal can be special in its own way.

In an effort to make our place in this competitive world we start from learning but end up imitating others. We try and try to create an existence for ourselves that’s not meant to be because it’s not ours. It is only when we realize that our existence is purely based upon us and our own talent, then we manage to define our own unique identity.

How to turn Normal into Special?

Sit back, relax and think about what you love. It may be anything from reading or writing to acting or sports but it must be something you truly love. Then all you have to do is keep doing the thing you love. It’ll soon become a habit and it will feel so normal and natural to you that you won’t feel that you have to struggle to do it. What will be normal for you will seem special to others.

  • Running at a speed of 26 miles per hour seems special to us but it might be normal for Usain Bolt.
  • Hitting a perfect three pointer from half-court seems special to us but it is definitely very normal for Stephen Curry.
  • Writing hundred pages of words solely based on our imagination may seem very special to us but for a writer like J.K. Rowling it might be the most normal thing she does.

Usain Bolt, Stephen Curry and J.K Rowling as examples of people who followed their passion

There are countless similar examples in almost every field which strongly point at the importance of doing what we are passionate about and making our identity through that. It does not work by trying to imitate someone and doing something we don’t love just for the sake of getting popular.  All these examples are of normal people doing normal things with zeal and passion for so long that today the world looks upon them as wonders.

It is a sad reality but it seems like there is a contest going on about pleasing others, and to win we are willing to sacrifice even our true identity. How naive we are to not realize that we are not meant to please everyone and only those who can love our true, raw selves are deserving of our company.

Don’t make life a race towards becoming special. Be your true self, in all genuineness and honesty. Believe me if you do that, then you’re already special enough.

Let's not make living a thing about making others love us. Life is about loving yourself first, rest follow. Be true, be genuine, be unique and that's how we can live our life in the best way.

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Image sources: 

Picture of Usain Bolt,
Picture of Stephen Curry,
Picture of J.K.Rowling


  1. Absolutely true... It doesn't matter whether we are normal or special as long as we are true to ourselves.

    1. Exactly and probably that is the essence of life :)


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